Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Friday Training!

Hello People!

For the training this Friday, please have it in school, together with the year 1s.  On the menu are -
1.  Top rope climbing
2.  PT
3.  Bouldering

Pls introduce the Year 1s to the trainings that the seniors do BUT please don't tekan them.  Plan some easier variations of it.

Also, Boulderactive 2009 is just next weekend!  The novice and team categories are held on Friday, more info can be found at nusclimb.com.  Please come down to support the event at velocity@Novena.

For those who wish to represent SAJC, please understand that you will HAVE to put in more effort to do well.  Try to go Climb Asia or Yishun Safra on your own during weekends and try to complete your projects there.  All of you will need to improve on your weakness.

Mason, Dawn needs to climb faster and be more dynamic.
Chermain needs to fall more often.
Gabriel needs more endurance.
And all of you need more climbing time.  Time on the wall, not in the boulder gym.

Alright, until I see you all, have a good one!