Thursday, March 12, 2009

for your info...

1. Rock camp has been postponed yet again!!
We can't have it on 27th, 28th March: ms. Wee's not around - no female teacher.
We can't have it on 3rd, 4th April: Life Concert
We can't have it on 10th, 11th April: Good Friday
We will have it on 17th, 18th April.

2. J1 selection will be soon, from what ms. Wee told me.
It could possibly this March holiday. Just for gossip sake.

2.5 There will be J1 training during the Match holiday.
Ben is taking them on Monday.

3. J1 EXCO selection will be on last week of April.
That's 2 weeks after rock camp.

4. J2 step down 3rd or 4th week of May, right before BT2.
That's 2 or 3 weeks after J1 EXCO selection.

Alright. Good job for your BT1 and all the best for whatever's left.