Saturday, September 26, 2009

Climb On, Rock On 2009

Hello ppl,

Remember to take a break sometimes. A 30min slow run does wonders for your health, and your overheated brain.

I myself am taking a 3 week break in Yangshuo, China. Can finally do my own climbing, read the books I want, do more running, etc...

Anyway, just a reminder that Climb On and Rock on is coming up soon.

Climb On 2009
I fully support this event because it is the definitive, non-competitive, consensual, fun, interactive and bond-building event! Many a climber have met their match there, both sense of the word. And by volunteering, you can register for free, get 2 climbing passes to Climb Asia, and a 20% coupon off anything in their shop. Plus the bonus of competing alongside me! You can try beating me :)

Rock On 2009 -
The registration is a bit ex, but I have still selected 4 of you to take part in the Under 20 category. It's going to be competitive, as you'll be competing alongside other ITEs and Polys, but I believe it is a good precursor to next year's competition.

The year 2s, remember to take a break sometimes. Just yesterday, I saw a whole bunch of JC2 students bouldering at Climb Asia! 3-4 hours away from your books won't hurt :) Instead, 3-4 weeks with no exercise will!

Alright, still packing my bags, leaving tonight. There's a chinese saying "Dan Yuan Ren Chang Jiu, Qian Li Gong Can Juan". Wishing all of you good health, and we can all admire the full moon on 3rd Oct. And even though we are a thousand miles apart, we'll feel like we're next to each other, cause we're looking at the same moon.

Poetic Coach Ben


Unknown said...

Hi I am from the organising committee of this year's Climberprix. May I have the email address of your president/captain to mail the forms regarding the event? Thanks!

Hoe Son said...

Hi, this is the captain. Yes my email address is