Hi team,
There will be PT this friday from 1540 to 1840. Why the weird timing? Ive decided to give everyone 10 more minutes to change before PT. For the following week, training will be on Wednesday at Climb Asia from 1530 to 1830. I would like to start this year on a better note. Theres many things ongoing in JC, exams, homework, CCA, other commitments. We can all relate to each other. I hope that everyone will be brave enough to step up to the challenge and overcome them. So of course, leave adequate time for all your activities. I know that its sometimes very hard to juggle work and CCA, but with the right attitude we can manage it.
There are some things that I would like everyone to take note
1. I would like to remind you that training days are always MON, WED,FRI ( Any two days),
there should be no reason for you to be busy on these days.
2. Training has always been 3hrs long, so no reason to be leaving before training ends.
3. I think most of all of us have forgotten some basic courtesy that we should be adopting. If you are unable to come for training, inform fay at least 1 day in advance. When you receive a sms, pls remember to reply so that we know. Even durng training, please inform the person in charge of the programme that you are leaving b4 leaving so that we can account for you.
I'm going to be quite serious about training attendance and other activities. I would like some order in our CCA, its not going to be a CCA meant for slackers if you thought so. So please do not test us. On the part of the excos, we will also try to improve our system of working such that it will benefit everyone.
I'm hoping that everyone will have a better year ahead. Lets try to put in our best efforts for this race. Lastly, I hope we will enjoy our last year together.
Hoe Son